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Version: v1.35.0

Getting started

Before starting your relay proxy you will need to create a minimal configuration file.

# this is a minimal config containing only where your flag file is located 
kind: http

After that you can launch the relay proxy by using this command:

go-feature-flag-relay-proxy --config=/path/to/your/configfile

The relay proxy will read the configuration file and retrieve all the flags.
After that you can use all the available endpoints (see Service endpoints section) and get the variations for your users.

Deployment options

A common way to run go-feature-flag relay proxy is to use the Docker Container.
An image is available on Docker Hub gofeatureflag/go-feature-flag.

You can also run it as a service in your application following the Installation page.

docker run  -v $(pwd)/goff-proxy.yaml:/goff/goff-proxy.yaml gofeatureflag/go-feature-flag:latest

Specifying a configuration

To configure the relay proxy you should provide a configuration file when launching the instance.

The easiest way to provide the file is to use the option --config=/path_to_your_file.yaml.
But if you don't provide this option, the relay proxy will look in these folders if a file named goff-proxy.yaml is available.

  • current folder
  • /goff/
  • /etc/opt/goff/

To learn how to configure the relay proxy, read Configuration.

Exporting metrics and traces

To export the data you can use all the capabilities of go-feature-flag SDK.
To configure it please refer to the type exporter section of the configuration documentation.

Service endpoints

The Relay Proxy defines many HTTP/HTTPS endpoints. Most of these are proxies for GO Feature Flag services, to be used by SDKs that connect to the Relay Proxy.
Others are specific to the Relay Proxy, such as for monitoring its status.

Please refer to endpoints documentation to get the full details on available REST API endpoints.

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