Swift SDK
In conjuction with the OpenFeature SDK you will be able to evaluate your feature flags in your iOS/tvOS/macOS applications.
For documentation related to flags management in GO Feasture Flag, refer to the GO Feature Flag documentation website.
- Managed the integration of the OpenFeature Swift SDK and GO Feature Flag relay-proxy.
- Prefetch and cache flag evaluations in order to give the flag value in a efficient way.
- Automatic configuration changes polling, to be informed as soon as a flag configuration has changed.
- Automatic data collection about which flags have been accessed by the application
Dependency Setup
Swift Package Manager
In the dependencies section of Package.swift add:
.package(url: "https://github.com/go-feature-flag/openfeature-swift-provider.git", from: "0.1.0")
and in the target dependencies section add:
.product(name: "GOFeatureFlag", package: "openfeature-swift-provider"),